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What about Supermood?

Jubiwee offers a means to regularly measure the feelings of your employees and the commitment of your teams using targeted questionnaires and advanced analysis of the results. Customized surveys are sent regularly to your teams to identify areas for development and prevent disengagement in your company. Our experts will then propose concrete actions and best practices to put in place to meet the needs of your employees.

Everything to know about using Supermood vs. Jubiwee

Both Jubiwee and Supermood, offer solutions to their customers that allow them to continually monitor the mood of their employees and identify points of attention. If Supermood is principally oriented to listening to employees, Jubiwee separates itself by its managerial approach and by the focus it puts on concrete actions to put in place once the axes of development are identified within the teams.

Comparison chart - Supermood vs. Jubiwee

Available features Supermood Jubiwee
Anonymity threshold Minimum of 5 respondents Minimum of 5 respondents
Multi-filter comparison
Customized recommendations
Customizable question categories
Customizable filters
Customized questions
Frequency Your choice of frequency (monthly/weekly/other) Adaptable
HRIS integration
Language Multilingual Multilingual
Writing and reading permission Fixed 100% customizable
Library of questions 150 questions More than 200 questions
Number of question types available 3 question types 10 question types
Peer recognition module Whois
Sharing results PPT PDF/PPT/Live
Means of questionnaire distribution Email/Teams Link/Intranet/Teams/Slack/Text
Targeted campaigns for specific populations
Semantic analysis of verbatim text

Jubiwee stands out with personalized recommendations for your managers and teams.

Implementation must be as important as monitoring the mood of your team members. Without genuine action, the internal surveys will turn out to be useless. This has been the greatest criticism of annual reviews for many years, that they don't provide any tangible data to use and don't provide a regular and ongoing reading of employee morale.

Why are personalized recommendations important?

Once the questionnaires are sent to your teams and the data is compiled, analyzed, and reported in an easy-to-read and ready-to-use manner, Jubiwee offers personalized recommendations for daily implementation in your company: new routines, change the way certain things are done, do away with the things that don't work. When it comes to putting it into practice, we've designed our solution so that the recommendations make sense and that they reflect your organization and your corporate culture.

What are the differences between Supermood and Jubiwee?

As far as regular, personalized internal surveys, Jubiwee and Supermood propose roughly similar offers, although Jubiwee allows its customers to to further customize their surveys by offering a larger number of question types. A larger offering of question types not only allows managers and HR to personalize their surveys, but also gives the employees a better user experience, and thus increases response rates.

What are the available avenues of distribution for your in-house surveys? Jubiwee vs. Supermood

The Jubiwee solution adapts to your organization and your internal tools. We are aware that tools vary widely from one organization to another. That's why we propose a multitude of avenues of distribution for the surveys, to adapt to your needs, but also your constraints (for example, for your non-connected employees, we install response terminals on site).

Why implement a tool to measure employee engagement?

The collaborative experience is an important subject. Businesses are finding it harder and harder to keep talented workers. Employees are less and less attached to their companies and organizational upheavals are more and more frequent. HR and managers are headhunted and many expectations rest on their shoulders. Digitalizing employee follow-up is a time saver for manager and for HR. By relying on our analysis tool, a large part is automated to guarantee easy follow-up and rapid implementation.