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What about the Microsoft Forms option in-house?

Jubiwee offers a means to regularly measure the feelings of your employees and the commitment of your teams using targeted questionnaires and advanced analysis of the results. Customized surveys are sent regularly to your teams to identify areas for development and prevent disengagement in your company. Our experts will then propose concrete actions and best practices to put in place to meet the needs of your employees.

Everything to know about using Microsoft Forms vs. Jubiwee

Microsoft Forms presents itself as software for creating forms and surveys. Linked to the Microsoft Suite, it allows creation and sending of forms to a pre-registered mailing list. Once the questionnaire is sent to the respondents, their answers are then accessible for download to an Excel file.

Comparison chart - Microsoft Forms vs. Jubiwee

Available features Microsoft Forms Jubiwee
Anonymity threshold Optional anonymity Minimum of 5 respondents
Multi-filter comparison
Customized recommendations
Customizable question categories
Customizable filters
Customized questions
Frequency Adaptable
HRIS integration
Language Multilingual
Writing and reading permission 100% customizable
Library of questions More than 200 questions
Number of question types available 6 question types 10 question types
Peer recognition module Whois
Sharing results Excel/Chart PDF/PPT/Live
Means of questionnaire distribution Link/Email/Teams Link/Intranet/Teams/Slack/Text
Targeted campaigns for specific populations
Semantic analysis of verbatim text

Questionnaire personalization Microsoft Forms vs. Jubiwee

Although you can choose from several question types with Microsoft Forms , the choice is still very limited. In contrast, Jubiwee offers customers a large number of question types (fifteen or so), a library of questions to draw inspiration from depending on the urgency and context of your organization, as well as complete customization as to how it will be sent.

Using Microsoft Forms for in-house surveys

Before choosing a tool to carry out internal surveys, it's important to understand the intentions behind the action. To have global figures and interview your employees once a year without diving into a detailed analysis of the results and putting them into action, Microsoft Forms can meet your needs. Conversely, if your objectives are more precise, you want to understand the responses, confront them and you wish to go further by regularly engaging in discussions with your employees, on substantive issues, maybe you should opt for a more data-oriented solution, like Jubiwee.

Anonymity- Microsoft Forms vs. Jubiwee

As is the case with other alternatives like Microsoft Forms or Monkey Surveys, Microsoft Forms is a tool for creating questionnaires. On the other hand, using these tools for internal polls can prove to be tricky. Confidentiality of the responses is not guaranteed due to the correlation of the answers and analysis by respondent. It can be easy to trace the team member if the information provided on the questionnaire includes information that may be identifiable. Conversely, an alternative like Jubiwee guarantees anonymity by design, with filters that don't allow information be traced back to an individual employee, but to see the overall trends by team.

Results analysis with Jubiwee

With Jubiwee, you can compare perimeters and teams according to angle you have chosen: hierarchy, seniority, location... or follow the evolution of specific criteria over time, in real time. Jubiwee puts turnkey technology at your disposal to take action, allowing you to refine your analysis in just a few mouse clicks, to export your results to quickly share them internally and gain agility. It is a huge time-saver and the information is clearer and more relevant.

Analysis of results with Microsoft Forms

With Microsoft Forms, you export all the results into 'raw' Excel format. As soon as it is a question of entering in details on a given population and then identify the actions to be carried out in a localized way, it's up to you to do the work of reprocessing the information. Time to call in your Excel expert!